Our Church Practices

The statements in this section are to give direction to the congregations as they seek to apply the teachings of the Scriptures to specific issues of Christian living.

It is understood that the different historical backgrounds and geographical locations of the congregations will have a bearing on how the Bible will be interpreted and applied. However, membership in the AMC assumes a covenant relationship in which there is a commitment to listening to each other and learning from each other. There is value in giving respectful consideration to the cumulative insight which the different congregations bring to the larger body.

1. The Lord’s Day
We believe that in the fourth commandment we have the principle of one day of rest in seven. During the New Testament period, the first day of the week was designated as the Lord’s Day. It commemorated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. On the Lord’s Day, Christians worship the Lord, teach the Scriptures, have fellowship and refresh themselves in body and spirit.

2. Regarding Marriage
We believe that marriage was ordained by God at creation as the sacred union of one man and one woman for life. All sexual relations must therefore be reserved for that union. Christian marriage is a representation of Christ’s relationship to His church. We also believe that children are a blessing from the Lord. Thus all human life is sacred and worthy of protection from the moment of conception. (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:24; Psalms 127, 128; 139:13-16; Matthew 19:1-10; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11;Ephesians 5:22-33; Hebrews 13:4)

3. Formal Membership Policy
The Active Mission Conference shall be composed of affiliated congregations who maintain relationship via mutual fellowship, counsel, and support as provided within its structures. Procedures for reception and termination of Conference affiliation are set forth in the bylaws of the AMC. Individuals are recognized as members of AMC by virtue of their membership in one of the affiliated congregations. Congregational members shall be baptized believers who have made a voluntary commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who demonstrate their decision to walk in Christian discipleship within the fellowship of the Church. Privileges and responsibilities of individual members shall be those accorded by their respective congregations.

4. Procedure For Membership Discipline/Membership Revocation
Individual congregations retain the full privileges of self-governance within the framework of the AMC Constitution. However, membership in the AMC implies the responsible support of our common resolutions and programs that we have developed together.

The AMC does not normally get involved with the affairs of the local church. However AMC’s leadership or staff may assist local congregations as needs arise. When serious irregularities or problems occur in the local church, AMC lead pastors shall work prayerfully and receptively toward a resolution.

AMC retains the right to dismiss a local church from membership. Such a decision shall be made only after all avenues of problem resolution have been exhausted. The decision to dismiss a church is made by the Conference Council.

When a congregation wishes to withdraw from the AMC, it shall make its intention known to the Conference Council in writing. After having done any necessary counselling or consulting, the Conference Council will give their response to the request within a year’s time.

5. Job Descriptions And Limiting Employment Opportunities
In order to protect ourselves from discrimination claims, AMC will provide a job description for all hired positions including the religious grounds for limiting employment opportunities. As churches we carefully consider an applicant’s religious beliefs for all positions to make sure they are in agreement with Scripture and our Statement of Faith. All AMC Church Staff and employees will be required to periodically affirm their agreement with the Statement of Faith and their commitment to abide by the Constitution.

6. The Sole Authoritative Interpreter Of Scripture
As AMC we consider the Bible as authoritative for all matters of faith and practice because of its very nature. Although AMC churches may disagree about what the Bible teaches about certain doctrines and practices, we agree that the Bible is our sole ultimate written authority for faith and practice. In case of a dispute over the interpretation of a particular matter of Scripture or doctrine occurs, the AMC lead pastors will prayerfully consider the matter and work towards an agreement of our understanding on the non-essential doctrine and its application.

7. Regarding Volunteers And Staff Who Work With Children
Churches in the AMC have a legal obligation to help protect the children in their care. All church workers who assume responsibility for the well-being of children in the congregation, whether as paid clergy or as volunteers, have a special relationship with those children that gives rise to a duty to protect them from reasonably foreseeable risk of harm from those members of the congregation whom the church places in positions of responsibility and authority over them. Churches, therefore, need to do due diligence when selecting staff and volunteers to work with children. This may include conducting background checks and requesting references. It is also important to avoid situations where staff members or volunteers are alone with children.